Saturday, July 30, 2011

Catch Up

Reliable Internet access has been sketchy, at best, this week so there has been very little blogging.   It is one thing to update a facebook status on my kindle or Scott's cell phone, but a whole blog post just wasn't working.  I hope I remember a lot of what I wanted to share, but for today, we'll just play catch up.

Family Conference was fabulous.  We heard stories after stories of how God was working and moving throughout the world.  The stories were not without heartaches and hard work, but yet the praise and glory being given to God outweighed it all.  We were repeatedly challenged to examine our own lives... were we focused on circumstances or the creator of the world?  More on all that in another post.

When Family Conference was over the four of us escaped to the "thumb" of Michigan.  We are in a podunk town right on Lake Huron with absolutely no plans.  For those of you who know me well, you know that is a miracle all in itself.  We have just played together.  Yesterday we rented kayaks on a river that feeds into Lake Huron.  We took a leisurely 3 mile float then banked the boats on the beaches of the great lake.  We played in the sand, caught minnows in a Ziploc bag, walked along the beach, taught Hannah to skip rocks, and just laughed together. Eventually hunger called us back to town and after a wonderful pizza lunch we went to the Huron County Fair.

This was definitely the storybook version of a county fair - 4H Cow auctions, animals, funnel cake, a Frisbee dog catching show, and all those country smells.  Scott and Alex rode one ride and Scott decided it is definitely possible to become too old for certain rides.  A drive back to town ended with naps, ice cream for dinner, shuffle board and thank you card writing, and laughter back in the room.

Today Hannah insists we go to the farmer's market.  She wants to buy fresh fruit.  Not sure what she thinks we will do with it since we are flying home tonight, but keeping with the theme of just "winging it" we will go.  After that the kids and I will fly home tonight, but Scott has another week in Michigan for SYIS (Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills). 

Coming home will be a little strange and a little difficult (again, another blog post to come on that) as we are officially homeless - the house closed yesterday.  Praising God that He was in control and giving Him all the credit for a simple, eventless closing.

Well, time to pack suitcases and transition back into reality.  Check back in the next couple of days and I'll try to catch you up on the lessons learned and the thoughts processed over the past week.

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