Friday, April 8, 2011

Spanish Lesson

A few weeks ago through a string of God planned appointments Scott and I were introduced to Donald and Olga.  Donald is from Georgia (the state) and Olga is from Spain.  We emailed a few times and then invited them to dinner at our house last week.  It was a great night!  We exchanged stories and sat around the table for a couple hours just developing a friendship.

Over dessert we discovered that she was from Vicalvaro, a town near Madrid that we visited when we were there in Spain.  We shared pictures and even connected her with our co-worker that lives there for her return visit next month.  The world became so much smaller in those moments.

We then arranged for Olga to meet me at church yesterday for a tour of our preschool for their little boy and then we'd go to lunch.  Over lunch I had my first Spanish lesson.  Oh my!

After an hour I could tell you that I had eaten a hamburger with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and onion and that I had two sons and one daughter (and their ages).  We discovered I cannot roll my "r"s and that my memory is very poor.  We laughed a lot.  In exchange for her teaching me Spanish I am helping Olga with her English.  She struggled with the word squirrel and we laughed over her plan to just call it a big rat instead.

We are going to meet every Wednesday over my lunch hour.  Does she really know what she is in for?

I realized that learning Spanish may be my biggest challenge I have ever faced.  I am learning a lot about faith as we try to sell our house and raise our support, but I think my biggest step in faith will be believing that God will enable me to master a new language.

Pray for Olga to have patience with my poor language skills.  Pray for me as I live out my faith in this relationship.  Pray for lots of laughter - otherwise there will be lots of tears!


  1. Hang in there - my father flunked Spanish in high school and swore he would never take another Spanish class the rest of his life. My dad ended up being a missionary in South America as a Bible Translator and is fluent in Spanish!

    - an MK

  2. Me alegro por tus clases de español... ¡disfruta el aprendizaje!


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