Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I have never been good at New Year's Resolutions and don't think I'll be very good at them this year too.  I have such a great aspirations for the new year and then somewhere around mid January I have already forgotten them.  I usually look at the new year and  decide to change my entire life (and often the world).  Then, I quit. 

But this year I shall approach 2010 a little differently.  I have been reading David Nasser's new book Jumping Through Fires.  In the book he asks his wife (they were not even dating at the time) if she wants to just be content or overwhelmed.  He goes on to share that we often choose contentment as our life goals and level of satisfaction.  We are content to be content.  We want no more out of life than contentment.  But we miss out on the best things of life when we settle for contentment.

So, my New Year's Resolution this year is to live life overwhelmed.  Whoa!  Just saying that is a little scary but I am no longer going to be satisfied with contentment.  I wanna be so overwhelmed with what God is doing around me and through me and in me that I'll never settle for contentment again.  I want to experience life to its fullest.  I want to see the sun rise and set.  I want to have relationships with people that are life changing.  I want to reach for the stars and not only get one, but instead a whole constellation.  I want to be overwhelmed!

The secret to this overwhelming life is going to be who I let direct it.  If I go after overwhelmed on my own I will definitely be overwhelmed, but not in a good way.  Instead if I choose to become overwhelmed with what God wants I am in for a year I will never forget.  I cannot wait to see what I learn about God.  I am almost giddy with anticipation as to what I am going to see God do this year.  I am anxious (not in a worry sort of way) to see what God is going to change in me.  I look forward to the challenges of life that will result in being overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed is often a negative term - but this year for me - its gonna be my life goal.  I want to be overwhelmed because then I will know I am walking in a place where only God can be in charge.  How about you?  Will you settle for contentment in 2010 or will you join me in the quest for overwhelmed?

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