Friday, December 11, 2009

The Morning After

Just a quick update regarding our home visit...

We had a great time!  Dinner was delicious (even if I say so), but the company was fabulous.  We chatted for 6+ hours yesterday.   We learned so much about the process that is ahead of us and about the culture in Spain.  We laughed at stories of mission work and shared our excitement with her.  By the time she left last night we all felt like we had made a new friend.  She answered a lot of our questions about the future and really made us feel comfortable.  God was good and present last night!  To Him I give all the praise!

Thank you to all who were praying yesterday.  Every prayer was answered.  Again, the only way I can describe this process is "the ride of a lifetime" and I am determined to enjoy every minute of it!

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord. I kept finding myself wanting to call you last night to find out how it was going. I am just sooooo excited!!!!!!! God is SOOOOOOO good!!!!!


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