Monday, December 14, 2009


When those times come that I begin to question whether God really knows what I need most in my life I just have to look at Alex.  We believed our family was complete and then God gave us a wonderful gift - a third child, Alex.  I look back more than eleven years ago and I wondered at time if God really knew what I needed at that point in my life.  But he knew Alex's personality and disposition before he formed him in my womb and He knew that it would be Alex who brought perspective to all of life.

Alex is impossible to punish as he can find something to do to entertain himself and those around regardless of what is at his disposal.  At the moment he is grounded and unable to use anything that requires electricity (including things that run on batteries as they require charging - yes he asked if he could use his game boy since the battery was charged).  Long story as to how he got to this point, but he is fixing it.  The problem with this punishment is that now he thinks I am his personal entertainment.  Saturday night he wanted to know if we could play a card game since he couldn't watch TV.  Still trying to figure out if I played cards with him did I encourage the behavior that got him grounded?  Yesterday he told me that he missed his electronic toys, but it was ok - it gave him more time to read a book. 

But today I was reminded once again one of the many blessings Alex brings to my life.  We were blog hopping this morning.  You know, go to a blog you are following and read their latest post, then click on a blog they are following and read it, and then click on one they are following, and etc.  Amazing the people you meet and the things you learn!  We started with a blog from a family in Spain (the mom of the house broke her knee yesterday, so please pray for Julie - lots of decisions and pain).  From there we went to another blog of a teacher in Spain at the missionary school Alex will probably attend.  With only the excitement possible of a 11 year old boy we watched every video and looked at every picture on her blog.  As he exclaimed "look!  That is what I might be doing next year - I can't wait!" God confirmed once again he knows best for our lives.

First he blessed me with Alex.  When I take life a little too serious Alex steps in and shows me life is meant for laughing and living.  Second, he called us to missions.  Many parents are afraid to surrender to missions because of what it might do to their children.  I cannot think of any more confirmation that God considered the kids in the calling than Alex's excited proclamations this morning.  Third, God will direct if we seek Him.  We believe that Spain will be our international destination in this journey and God is generating an excitement in the kids through other missionaries.  That can only be a God thing!

God is good and God does know what is best! 

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