Tuesday, September 20, 2011

10 Days

What do you do 10 days before you move to a foreign country?  Wake up early because the to do list is raging in your mind.   Then you ignore it and check email, facebook, skype, blogs, and whatever else you can find to avoid the dreaded list.

On the agenda today is Scott going to the church to record a clip on how the men's ministry has impacted his life over the past couple years.  Sunday at church another lady gave a testimony on how her husband's involvement in men's ministry had impacted her family.  I wanted to say AMEN!  Not that the ministry changed him, but that through the ministry he learned how to became more and more the man God was calling him to be.

As in all, or at least most, marriages (or at least I hope in all and we were not the exception instead of the rule) there was a season where we wondered if we would stay married.  Forget if we were going to stay married, the question was did we even want to stay married.  In that season God got a hold of Scott's heart.  He broke Scott for Him and then began to remold Scott into the man God is calling him to become.    God changed him - through individual time with God as well as through corporate times (Sunday morning, Wednesday night classes, and men's Bible studies).  I began to watch Him love God more and through that I was loved more.  (by the way, God also did a lot of changing in my heart at that time too)

Let me tell you something - there is nothing more wonderful than a husband who takes his wife's hand and says "can I pray for you?'  I'd give Scott about anything he asked for after those words!  As Scott became the spiritual leader in the house there was such relief.  As Scott grew into the man God wanted Him to be, there was freedom to be who God called me to be.  So many aspects of our life began to change (uh, #1 being we are headed to Spain in 10 days).

Women - stop praying that God will fix your husbands.  Start praying that they will allow God to do a work in their hearts so that they can become who God wants them to be.  Pray that they will walk so close to God there isn't room for you to be between them and God.  Don't be jealous of their time with God or in the study of God's word.  Encourage it (but no nagging allowed).  Pray for it.  You will be the biggest beneficiary.

Men - want a wife who can't wait to spend the next 50 years with you?  Want a wife who desires intimate times with you?  Then invest in your relationship with God!  There is no greater gift you can give your wife nor anything she will appreciate more than a husband who desires to be a man of God.

1 comment:

  1. When you wake up in the middle of the night and the "to do" list is raging in your head, don't get on Skype, don't check your email, Facebook or whatever else you can find to ignore it. Take a moment first, before all those other things to take it to Him, who is Able! Know that I am praying for you!!


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