Thursday, February 9, 2012

What Am I Reading?

At most times I have several books going at once.  There is always something that I call "brain wasting," in other words just a book to read for the fun of it.  In this category I am presently reading Sands of Time by Susan May Warren, the 2nd book in a series of three.  The series is set in Russia and the characters are missionaries and part of the Russia's equivalency to the FBI.  They are light reading and great for when I want to turn the brain off.

Then there is the other pile I am reading.....

....  Simple Church by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger.  I know, this book was popular months ago, but I am just now getting around to reading it.  Knowing that when we finish language school we will begin the process of planting a new church in an area without an established church.  I am beginning to question and evaluate everything I have always done in church to determine what is the real purpose of the church and what is the best way to meet that purpose.  At one point the authors are discussing the Bible story where Jesus cleansed the temple.   They then say "Jesus is adamantly opposed to anything that gets in the way of people encountering Him."  The book is not calling me to follow some prescribed church model, but to instead sit back and through prayer, Bible study, and even discussion with other team members to evaluate what parts of a church draw people to encounter Christ and what parts stand in the way.  What better time to evaluate these things than when starting a brand new church?

.... Pursuit of a Thirsty Fool by T J MacLeslie.  This book is a biography.  MacLeslie tells his story from childhood to adulthood - through the trials of a not so perfect childhood, making a profession in Christ, then pursuing his own desires and plans.  The book is a testimony of God's pursuit for one of his children and what it took for MacLeslie to turn back to Christ.  The book is a wonderful encouragement to those of us who may have someone in their life who know Christ but have veered off track.  It is a beautiful story of God's love and protection and how God can take the messes we make of our own lives and turn them into His beautiful creations.  (In December you could get a free kindle copy of this book at

.... Spiritual Warfare For Women by Leighann McCoy.  Let's face it - we don't do a lot of talking about spiritual warfare in the church.  But whether we want to talk about it or not, it exists!  I've read a few books about spiritual warfare in the past, but this one has caused me to stop and really mediate on it.  Now I am not sure whether it is because of our new ministry, all the changes in our lives, God's desire to get me focused, or the quality of this book - but it has made me think and pray and study.  She got my attention when she wrote:  "But somehow we miss the truth of battlefield living, don't we?  During my years in the ministry I've had the privilege of participating in think tanks with women's ministry resource developers.  I've often been frustrated by the focus of our discussions. Most often we venture toward what women need.  And that discussion leads us to begin to assess the damage the Enemy does in the lives of women, but we never talk about the Enemy.  Women need to know how to have good marriages. Women need help parenting their children.  Women need to overcome depression , fear, anxiety, poor self esteem... the list goes on and on.  After many years of developing, writing, teaching, and selling these great products, we still find that women need something more!  Could it be that we are focusing our attention in the wrong direction?  Perhaps rather than helping her create a spa or coffee house on the corner of the battlefield we are careful not to mention, we ought to train women for war.  Spiritual warfare is real!"

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