We want to give praise to God for:
- Being a God who is trustworthy, faithful, loving, purposeful, caring, merciful, full of grace, forgiving, my stronghold, my protector, and more.
- Knowing all - what happened yesterday, is happening today, and will happen tomorrow
- Giving life - not just a life of breathing and heart beats, but a full life - one that is able to enjoy every moment
- Fall - the colors of fall give such a beautiful picture of God's creativity - not a boring, stone god, but one who is the creator of beauty.
His plan - He could have chosen to save the world without the "help" of man, but instead he has allowed us, ME, to be a part of the blessing of seeing men and women, boys and girls, begin their relationship with Him. There is nothing more exciting!
- Tears - I don't particularly like to be sad and shed the tears, but imagine life without emotions. Oh what we would miss!
We ask you to join us in asking God for:
- Direction - we are making lots of decisions quickly. Pray that we hear God's direction in every decision we make.
- House - our desire is for the house to sell today (alright, its 8:00 at night, so it isn't going to sell today, but tomorrow would be ok). Pray that it sells quickly and for the right price. We are specifically asking that God sell the house so that by the time we go to Candidate Orientation Program in January the house is sold and we are moving.
- Finances - pray that we will be committed to looking at tomorrow and not today with every financial decision we make. Keep us focused on the long term goals and not the rewards of today.
- Paperwork - we have lots of paperwork to complete over the next two weeks. Pray for time to complete the paperwork, answers to be clear, and for SEND personnel to read them and hear our hearts, even if the words aren't right.
- Home Visit - we have scheduled our home visit for December 10. Pray for the safe travel of the SEND interviewer and for the time we will spend visiting in our home.
Thank you for your support and friendship; this is definitely a group journey!
Have been and will continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honored to share the journey with you my friend! Will continue lifting you and your family up in prayer!