First the initial application - it was relatively short and easy. It was our first opportunity to tell the administrators of our sending agency that we wanted to go. It was all about the exciting pieces of being called to missions. It was fun.
Then we waited. Then all of a sudden the wheels began to turn and have turned in fast pace since then. And to prove it, the paperwork has come in faster than we can finish it. There is the application phase 2 - a chance to tell SEND about every aspect of our life, including writing an autobiography. So how detailed am I supposed to be? I wonder if they really want to know that I rode my bike to school as an elementary aged student and that my first car was a Ford Pinto? Then the health questions came. You wouldn't believe some of the questions they ask. I know they are all for our good, but I do not remember how old I was when I had the chicken pox and where do you look for childhood immunization records when you are 44 (I have learned you can call the school system where you graduated from high school and they will have a copy)? I am doing much better at completing the health forms for Alex - he's only 11 so my memory doesn't have to be as good. Pray for us as we dig out all the answers.
Then there is the prayer card. We need a family portrait. We have been discussing family pictures for six months - guess now it is time to actually to do it. I am thinking white shirts with either black pants or blue jeans. Something casual - now on to the location. Any suggestions?
Orientation is in January and since we have almost finished the pile of paperwork we have now, they sent us some more. Spiritual gift surveys and personality surveys and more. When we finish the paperwork I will know more about myself than I ever did.
But the exciting part of the process has been that as I have had to figure out all these answers we have reminisced about forgotten memories. Made me think of friends I have lost contact with (and even took time out to look up a few) and made me stop and tell the kids some stories of their childhoods. I guess I'll have to add all the paperwork to my list of things I'll choose to be thankful for.