Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Faith in a rope, but...

This weekend at Family Camp I climbed the stairs of a 3 story wall and attached myself to a rope and jumped off.  It was insane and I did it really to just prove I could.  I was determined to not let my fear control the situation.  I volunteered to go first and did fine until I got up to the top.  I attached all the ropes and backed up to the edge (the whole time holding on desperately to the posts at the top), then they told me to just pretend to sit down and the ropes would catch and I'd be just fine.

I held my breath, said a few prayers, closed my eyes and went for it.  When I finally got off I had a blast!  I even went back up the stairs to do it a second time.  I was feeling pretty proud of myself, and then...

Pride comes before the fall.  The session at camp on Saturday night was on faith.  Lots of talking about Peter walking on water and the faith he demonstrated during that storm.  All was well until the speaker began to compare faith in a rope to faith in God.  His question became "why can we place our faith in a small rope and a camp worker that we know very little about yet we struggle to place our faith in the God who created the universe?"

What about you?  What "rope" do you put your faith in and yet struggle to trust your life to the God who created the universe?

1 comment:

  1. "I put my hope in You...I will never be afraid...gonna put my hope You my Rock my Shield my Strength...my hope's in You" ~Wes Tuttle

    Dear Jesus, thank you for working in our lives and revealing through 'rope' excercises that we are to put our hope in you...we come to you in unreserved obedience, we love you and trust that in your timing you will execute your plan for our lives...and for the furthering of your Kingdom here on earth.....LET YOUR KINGDOM COME!

    In Jesus' Name, Amen

    VT Husband


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